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AICPA Announces the Winner of the EDGE in Teaching Award

Jun 10, 2024 · 4 min read

This year’s honorees are recognized for their development of relevant, timely curricula in their accounting coursework.

New York (June 10, 2024) AICPA & CIMA,即国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载, 我们很高兴地宣布Bea Sanders/AICPA EDGE教学奖的获得者, which recognizes exceptional teaching in introductory accounting courses, and the George Krull/Grant Thornton EDGE in Teaching Award, 在初级或高级会计课程的教学中认可并传播成功的前沿实践.

This year’s honorees are Tracie Miller, PhD, CPA, chair of the accounting program at Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio, and Wendy M. Tietz, PhD, CPA, CGMA, CMA, CSCA, MCT, accounting professor at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, 谁获得了Bea Sanders/AICPA EDGE教学奖,以表彰他们对环境的发展, 可持续发展和治理(ESG)模块的学生完成他们的入门会计课程.

Daniel E. O’Leary, PhD, CPA (inactive), professor at the Leventhal School of Accounting, 他是南加州大学马歇尔商学院的教授, 是乔治·克鲁尔/均富EDGE教学奖的获得者,因为他在高级课程中开发了一个分析案例.

“This year, 我很高兴地表彰几位导师,他们的工作增加了人们对会计领域学习的兴趣和参与度, 以及为学生准备一个充满活力和有趣的职业生涯作为会计专业人士,” said Jan Taylor, CPA, CGMA, PhD, 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的驻校学者和学术与学生参与高级主管. “这些教育工作者有着多年的学习和经验,为会计教育做出了巨大贡献, yet they continue to innovate in the classroom, bringing the topics of today to life for their students.”

Bea Sanders/AICPA EDGE in Teaching Award in an Introductory-Level Course

Through the Bea Sanders award, 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载认识到会计教育入门课程在提高会计专业吸引力方面的价值.

Tracie Miller和Wendy Tietz因其开发的ESG模块而获得认可,该模块是学生在入门会计课程中完成的. The module, “ESG Projects for Introductory Accounting,” consists of a series of projects students must complete, 从分析组织仪表板和报告到比较组织的ESG绩效. ESG不仅是当今会计行业的一个重要商业话题, 但它也是年轻学生进入研究领域的极大兴趣. 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)认可米勒和蒂茨的工作抓住了学生对这一188bet亚洲真人体育下载的兴趣,并为他们进入现代会计世界做好了准备.

Honorable Mention

Jennifer M. Cainas, DBA, MAcc, CPA, 南佛罗里达大学Lynn Pippenger会计学院的教学教授, and Margaret B. Shackell, PhD, CMA, CPA (Ontario), 伊萨卡学院商学院会计学副教授和研究生商业项目主任, 因其管理会计学生教学案例获得荣誉奖, “NASCAR: Using a Lean Mindset,,它使用真实的NASCAR数据来强化非制造业环境中的精益会计概念.

George Krull/Grant Thornton EDGE初级或高级课程教学奖

The George Krull/Grant Thornton award, established by the AICPA in partnership with Grant Thornton, 旨在认可和传播高级会计课程教学中成功的前沿实践,继续提高会计专业学生对该领域的研究兴趣,并鼓励将188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址职业作为职业. 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)非常感谢均富在资助该奖项方面所做的贡献.

Daniel E. O’Leary is recognized for his instructional case study, “Purchase Order – Analytic Audit,他在本科和研究生阶段的课程中都讲授过这门课. O’leary开发并发表了这个案例研究,以回应普华永道的建议,即教师提供一个数据分析实习,让学生使用数据分析来解决商业问题. 本课程着重于以可理解的方式传达分析结果, including through data visualizations. O 'Leary的案例研究允许会计信息系统类和审计类之间的集成, creating valuable connections for students.

Honorable mention

Lucy Diala, DBA, 克雷格商学院会计系助理教授, California State University, Fresno, receives an honorable mention for her instructional case study, “破坏成本-减少废物促进可持续发展,,为学生提供了使用Excel等数据分析工具的机会, 谷歌电子表格和必应AI(人工智能),并展示了这些工具如何在会计行业的类似场景中使用.

Bea Sanders/AICPA EDGE教学奖和George Krull/Grant Thornton EDGE教学奖的所有获奖者将在颁奖典礼上展示获奖作品 Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA), August 10–11, 2024, and the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, August 12–14, 2024, both being held in Washington, DC.

所有获奖者和荣誉奖获得者将在周六的CTLA午宴上获得认可并颁发奖项和证书, August 10.

Award winners also receive a monetary prize of $5,000 for each winning submission, and honorable mentions receive $500 per submission.

Winning submissions can be found in the Academic Resource Database on ThisWayToCPA.com/faculty.

About AICPA & CIMA,即国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载

AICPA & CIMA, 共同成为国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会), 通过我们代表597的工作,推动全球会计和金融行业的发展,000 AICPA and CIMA members, candidates and registrants in 188 countries and territories. Together, 通过倡导,我们是公共和管理会计问题的全球领导者, support for the CPA license, the CGMA designation and specialized credentials, professional education and thought leadership. We build trust by empowering our members, 候选人和注册人有知识和机会成为扩大繁荣的领导者,使社会更具包容性, sustainable and resilient future.

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