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AICPA & CIMA CEO announces retirement

May 22, 2024 · 4 min read

Barry Melancon, American Institute of CPAs President & 首席执行官和国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载首席执行官, to step down after 30 years of service to the profession

NEW YORK, May 22, 2024 -- Today, Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA, announced that he plans to retire on December 31, 2024, 从他担任美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)总裁兼首席执行官和国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会)首席执行官的职位上. 该协会是世界上最大的公共和管理会计师会员组织. Melancon served the profession in this role for 30 years. 他的继任者的细节预计将在年底前宣布,梅兰康将协助过渡和移交给新的首席执行官.

Commenting on the announcement, Melancon said: “It has been my greatest honor to serve this dynamic, service-driven profession. 我很自豪能够将AICPA和CIMA转变为领先的会计协会, 一个承认并促进这个行业真正全球化和扩张性的人. Over the decades of my service, I have been committed to help the profession grow, serve the public interest, seize new opportunities, innovate, and expand the value it offers society. 今天,我们拥有一个快速发展的行业,以满足市场的需求,并履行值得信赖的战略顾问的角色. This bodes well for the future, 将我们的专业定位于解决个人面临的一些最大挑战, businesses, and economies”.

Melancon joined as CEO of AICPA in 1995 at age 37, making him the youngest CEO of the organization in its history, and served as the longest serving CEO since its formation in 1887. He became CEO of the Association in 2017, after successfully bringing together the largest accounting bodies, AICPA and CIMA, to serve the public and management accounting profession worldwide. His professional career started as a practicing CPA in Louisiana, becoming a CPA firm partner at 25 years old, 在领导路易斯安那州注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载并被任命为美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载首席执行官之前.

As CEO, 梅兰康的角色跨越了国家和全球领导角色以及与政府的互动, regulators, and business leaders from around the world. 值得注意的成就包括引领188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址愿景项目,该项目为一系列推动美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载和该行业发展的前沿举措提供了平台. Under his leadership the organization launched, the computerization of the CPA exam, the creation of the National Commission for Diversity and Inclusion, the Centers for Audit Quality, and the Dynamic Audit Solution (DAS). In 2012, 他领导了与CIMA成立合资公司的努力,并推出了特许全球管理会计师(CGMA)称号. Building on these successes, 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载和CIMA会员进行了历史性的会员投票,成立了该协会, the world’s largest professional accounting organization, 并为开创性的金融未来倡议和CGMA金融领导力计划奠定了基础.

Melancon’s track-record of establishing trust, 作为国际综合报告理事会主席,他的远见卓识和对专业的热情使他发挥了重要作用, 随后成立了国际财务报告准则基金会,并成立了国际可持续性准则委员会. He is board chairman of the Global Accounting Alliance, chair of XBRL-US, current board member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, 审计质量中心董事会成员,国际会计师联合会代表团成员. 他获得了许多荣誉,包括“全国协会年度执行官”和独立出版物“会计今日”,连续17次将他评为“会计界最具影响力的人物”. 2008年,他从母校获得了第一个也是唯一一个荣誉商业博士学位, Nicholls State University. 他被授予国际会计论坛和奖项2023终身成就奖. He has also received numerous awards from other prestigious organizations.

梅兰康还赞扬了工作人员和忠诚的志愿者:“我们已经取得了很多成就,这是对30年来与我一起工作的不可思议的工作人员和志愿者的致敬,现在有了这些了不起的人。. Their leadership and passion, 结合过去和现在成千上万的成员志愿者的影响, will continue to drive the profession and organization forward.”

Okorie Ramsey, CPA, CGMA, PMP, NACD.DC, outgoing AICPA Chair and Chair of the Association, said: “Throughout his career, Barry has been a passionate advocate for the profession, promoting how it serves the public interest to policymakers and regulators; a champion for diversity, equity and inclusion; and a believer in innovation and technology. Barry has always understood the need for new approaches and solutions, be that with the formation of and launch of Dynamic Audit Solution; enhancing business and sustainability reporting or taking a stance for the profession to actively address its DEI issues. 我们非常感谢巴里,并祝愿他在即将到来的退休生活中一切顺利. 我们谨代表董事会向他表示衷心的感谢,并祝愿他在人生的下一阶段一切顺利.”

Complementing this, Sarah Ghosh, FCMA, CGMA, CIMA President and Co-Chair of the Association, 他补充说:“巴里总是能够在应对未来的挑战和抓住机遇方面保持行业领先一步. He has led global efforts to upskill the profession to embrace innovation, sustainability, inclusion and instill a life-long learning mindset. Under his leadership, 通过不同的学习途径,我们已经取得了很大的成就,增加了进入这个行业的机会——CGMA金融领导力项目就是一个很好的例子. 他曾代表该行业向监管机构和政府官员倡导建立对资本市场的信任. And, 他实现并实现了创建世界上最具全球影响力和最大会员会计机构-国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载的愿景. He should be very proud of his contribution, 我们感谢他对会计行业的终身承诺和服务.”

The Board of the Association is working with Korn Ferry, the largest global executive search firm, to identify his successor. The appointment is expected to be made before the end of the year. Details of this global search and appointment criteria can be found on the AICPA & CIMA and Korn Ferry websites.

Anoop N. Mehta CPA, CGMA, former chair of the Association and the AICPA, who is leading the selection committee said: “Through Barry’s leadership, 我们已经建立了协会,并优化了AICPA和CIMA之间的关系,以引领我们的全球行业进入21世纪20年代及以后. Barry的继任者将带领全球最大的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址和注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载会员基础向前发展, a global platform of advocacy, learning, tools, and technology. 巴里离开协会时处于一个很好的位置,并拥有一个强大的领导团队,以加速并带领行业抓住未来的机遇.”

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