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What happens now? Preventing cybersecurity issues in the public sector

Sep 30, 2023 · 248.4 KB Download · AICPA & CIMA Insights Blog



What Happens Now? Preventing cybersecurity issues in the Public Sector

Every security breach or cyber-attack have one thing in common - the surprise factor. Each breach and discovery begin with “I never thought this would happen!” followed by, “What do I do now?” This article begins to address the critical question, “What do I do?” and provides action items and resources for immediate implementation.

Addressed are three areas of cybersecurity that have catapulted to the top at all government levels (Federal, State, and Local): General Controls, Network Security and Third-Party Wireless Security.

Download the What happens now? Preventing cybersecurity issues in the Public Sector

File name: preventing-cybersecurity-issues.pdf

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