
Hot jobs: Valuation specialists needed in good economic times and bad

2023年3月13日·3分钟阅读·188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA Insights博客

所有的企业都有财务价值和, 来量化这个确切的数字, 专家必须分析现金流, 资产, 产品线, 收入流和其他数据点. Knowing the financial worth of a business is important in situations such as initial public offerings (IPOs), 企业破产, 离婚诉讼和兼并收购.

In these high-stakes situations, businesses of all sizes rely on the expertise of 法证及估价服务(FVS)专业人员 who can address valuation-related concerns and offer additional guidance on significant business interruptions and challenges, 欺诈, 破产和其他经济问题.

The business valuation industry is predicted to get a boost over the next three years, driven by factors that include larger corporate profits and an overall better investment environment, 根据 IBISWorld’s January 2022 Business Valuation Firms Industry Report. These factors will increase demand for valuation professionals.

“Firms are having trouble finding qualified people to do the work and that goes equally for valuation firms and public accounting firms that offer consulting services,马克·史密斯说, JD, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址, 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(188bet亚洲真人体育下载)评估服务总监 & CIMA®, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. “市场需要估值专业人士.”

With these emerging opportunities in the business valuation industry, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址s can translate their analytic and financial skill sets into dynamic career possibilities.


通过他们的评估报告, FVS professionals deliver business owners unbiased reporting on the overall value of their company. This work often falls under areas of litigation support, 财务报告, Internal Revenue Service reporting and consulting — and the financial projects within these areas are broad and varied, 从离婚诉讼到商业采购, 无形资产对遗产馈赠的估值.

“You don’t always have the monotony of doing the same thing,特蕾莎·布伦南说, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址 and Senior Manager — 评估服务 at the Association. “There is so much more of a different wheelhouse of work that you’ll be involved in.”

188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址s working in tax and audit have a skillset that easily translates into business valuation, 史密斯说. “在188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址的传统职业道路上, you really get an amazing foundation for how to look at financial statements, how to understand what goes behind those financials … and the strengths and weaknesses of the numbers.”

188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址s and FVS professionals appreciate not just a joint understanding of financials, but the importance of working closely with clients to get the full story and scope of business — and that broader picture is key.

“You have to understand what the management of a business does in order to provide value,史密斯解释道.


Despite revenue of the valuation industry dipping 2% to $6.60亿年, IBISWorld predicts that cash-rich corporations looking to purchase, retiring business owners wanting to sell and other factors will reverse this trend and stimulate demand.

最近的并购趋势&A)支持这一点。. M的频率&A rose in 2020 and is likely to continue upward, 根据 IBISWorld. 高M值与高M值之间存在相关性&A market and the demand for business valuation specialists: With higher corporate profits, there is more of the cash on hand that enables corporations to purchase other companies more easily, 从而增加了对企业估值的需求.

除了M之外&A, retirement instances also drive business-selling trends and, 多亏了退休的婴儿潮一代, 将会有大量可收购的企业涌入.

“就婴儿潮一代退休而言, 一场不可思议的财富转移正在进行,史密斯解释道. “当你转移企业的所有权时, 它需要估值的原因有很多, 无论是为了纳税还是为了遗产和赠与.”

Before that sale or transfer can even begin, the value must be known. “Am I transferring a business that’s worth $1 million or am I transferring a business that’s $10 million? 我怎么算出来呢?史密斯问.

While the selling market is currently hot, a recession could turn the tide quickly. If the economy turns there could be an increase in bankruptcy filings, tests for goodwill impairment or writing off part of the business — and FVS professionals are versed in those, 太.

“There are opportunities for valuation professionals when the economy is doing well and there are opportunities when the economy is not doing well,史密斯说。.


There will always be a need for FVS professionals because they deliver vital information needed for a range of situations, 目前的市场趋势显示出一种迫切的需求.

It’s important that business valuation specialists position themselves as experts in their field, 他们可以这样做 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载商业评估认证(ABV®) credential.

While 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址s and finance professionals can practice business valuation without the credential, 获得ABV证明了专业知识, 道德责任和信誉, 说伯南. In certain working environments where work experience and education are scrutinized, 比如在法庭诉讼过程中, ABV得到尊重.

The ABV demonstrates a professional’s commitment to continuously improving valuation skills and expertise and promoting a greater level of confidence for current and potential clients.

赢得了 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载商业评估认证(ABV®) designation will solidify a professional’s expertise and help meet these predicted job market demands. 在这个火热的市场,重要的是 随时了解最新的资源.

贝丝Roessner, M.A.

贝丝·罗斯纳是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的资深内容作家 & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.


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