Auditing fraud risk during a pandemic

Detecting Government Fraud: A 2024 Report

Jun 10, 2024 · 3.4 MB Download



Fraud within government is nothing new, but how tax professionals detect malpractice at the highest levels is evolving daily.

“The motto can no longer be ‘That’s not in my job description’. Elected officials, CFOs, clerks, and stakeholders are all responsible for detecting and preventing fraud.”

From school district illegality to court clerks appropriating over $59,000 in funds, learn what’s needed to identify fraudulent red flags in government.

Read the report for:

  • Compelling case studies of modern white-collar crime.

  • Expert advice in detecting irregular patterns within your audits and controls.

  • The latest tools to tackle fraud.

Download the report to combat fraud effectively.

Identifying a misappropriation of government funds requires accounting and finance professionals to be at the top of their game. Stay abreast of the latest fraud-busting tools and enhance your reputation as a trusted tax professional.

Download Fraud in Government.

Download the Fraud in the Public Sector

File name: fraud-in-the-public-sector.pdf

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